
The 100 days journal - Consistently Code in 100 Days

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Day 1: Sept 11th, 2024

Today’s Progress : Learn about state and stateful component in react. it’s hard, tho. i need more time to study.

Work(s) :

Day 2: Sept 12th, 2024

Today’s Progress : today is the second day of #100DaysOfCode . i learn about the setState() method to create/update the value of state in react.

Work(s) :

Day 3: Sept 14th, 2024

Today’s Progress : learn how to update state properties in react. it is not as easy as i guess. for this reason, i also learn that we need to bind class component to class method in order to acces and modify it in the class method.

Work(s) :

Day 4: Sept 15th, 2024

Today’s Progress : progressively continue the learning path from the previous day, i learn that we can also use an updater function to update state properties in react. for me, it’s a complex concept

Work(s) : image

Day 5: Sept 16th, 2024

Today’s Progress : sadly, i only done 2 task at freecodecamp this day. but, i learn a lot. i learn how to keep track of input value as a state in react and how to handle DOM events using functions. before this day, i don’t really understand the mechanism of calling a function for handling events in HTML, such as using onClick or onChange property.

Work(s) : image

Day 6: Sept 17th, 2024

Today’s Progress : same thing as before… just completed 2 more challenges at freecodecamp front end developer path. it’s hard to learn coding at night! for the next time, maybe i should try to work on evening. Work(s) :

Day 7: Sept 19th, 2024

Today’s Progress : learn how to pass state and methods of parent component to child component in react. isn’t hard tho. The theory is that, if we want t pass state and methods of parent component to it’s child, just pass it as props of the child.

Work(s) : image

Day 8: Sept 22th, 2024

Today’s Progress : Learn about react componen lifecycle and lifecycle hooks. at first, i don’t know what it mean by “mounted”. and surprisingly, it just a cool name for “rendered”.

Work(s) : image

Day 9: Sept 23th, 2024

Today’s Progress : this day i’ve got a real hands-on web development process using react. first of all, i tried to install react js with next js framework. but it’s not easy because it goes to fail for the first try. after aproximately 1 hour, i’m successfully installed react and next js.

Work(s) :

Day 10: Sept 25th, 2024

Today’s Progress : trying to apply my knowledge of react in react’s framework, nextJS. but, it’s not working, and i still don’t know why. i’m confuse…

Work(s) : image